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2023 Kavalan Theater Festival is a concrete manifestation of the initiative of these wandering young theater creators. With the curatorial concept of 'the self-empowerment significance of drama,' various theatrical actions are carried out, including exhibitions, lectures, workshops, and drama camps. Rooted in the core spirit of 'writing a love letter to the hometown,' it demonstrates the ambition to expand theater education in Yilan and the audacity to question society through theatrical actions. Moreover, 'Floating Bus of Orchid City' embodies the collective effort of the wandering creators, presenting an organized and diverse theatrical performance, aiming to bring both themselves and the performing arts back to their hometown to take root."

—Reviewing Performing Art Taiwan

1st Kavalan Theatre festival Team

總策劃: 拾陸製作 

策展人: 簡韋樵

製作統籌: 林陸傑

技術統籌: 沈哲弘
執行製作: 蘇品瑄

行銷宣傳: 施艿芳

視覺設計: Rex Hao

演出團隊: 拾陸製作/ 台灣應用劇場發展中心/ 石頭人製造


指導單位 Advisor: 台積電文教基金會 TSMC Culture Foundation/ 宜蘭縣政府文化局 Yilan Cultural Affairs Bureau

文化部 Ministry of Culture/ 國家文化藝術基金會 National Culture and Arts Foundation

Production Company:  Lu Production

Curator: Jian Joe

Line Producer: Lin Lu-chieh

Technical Director: 沈哲弘
Production Manager: 蘇品瑄

Marketing Manager: 施艿芳

Graphic Design: Rex Hao

Peformance Company:

Lu Production/ Centre for Applied Theatre, Taiwan/ Stone Man Manufacture)


First stop: Dazed and Confused

拾陸logo_工作區域 1 複本 14拷貝.png

A story about youth, magic and Yilan.


Second stop: Lucid Dream


打開手機 APP、戴上耳機,邀請你跟著罹患癌症的外公和陷入長照身心壓 力的孫女,走入他們的虛實夢境,尋覓那些被遺忘的記憶。

Open the mobile app, put on your headphones, and join the journey of my grandfather, who suffers from cancer, and my granddaughter, who is under the prolonged stress of caregiving, as they walk through their dreams, searching for those forgotten memories.


Third stop: Welcome to the north city garden


歡迎搭乘觀光巴士,本班次的目的地為噶瑪蘭,右手邊的扶手可以調整椅 背,請將座椅調整至舒服的位置,讓我們帶您一同觀光蘭陽的人文風景。

Welcome aboard the sightseeing bus. The destination of this trip is Kavalan. The armrest on your right-hand side can be adjusted to recline your seat. Please adjust your seat to a comfortable position and let us take you on a cultural journey through the landscapes of Yilan.


© 翁得雋、王一樵

Illusion Design Project

2023 TIFA “Your Friendly Neighborhood Liao Tainting”

by Yang's Ensemble at National Theatre

Attention! Liao Tianding is back! 

There he is! On the rooftop of Taipei Main Station. Look! The shifting shadows. Hear! The hurried footsteps. Behold! The giant clock is gone! 

© 秦大悲

It happened in the blink of an eye when busy travelers were pacing around Taipei Main Station in 1927. And on the wall, there wrote the name of “Liao Tianding.” Rumor has it that Liao Tianding still lives to this day while people learned of his death for more than a decade. “I saw a slim shadow.” they say. Is it true that the legend is back and ready to take on the neighborhood once again?

© 張震洲、秦大悲

Illusion Design Project

2021 TIFA "Palaces"

by Our Theatre at National Theatre

© 臺中國家歌劇院

Every city has a building much akin to an “urban tumor”: impossible for both owners to sell off and potential buyers to afford. Such a building is once the embodiment of the most diverse array of entertainment and the purest lust for life of the youth. The upper levels of the building are cramped residential spaces owned by once hopeful investors and small families. However, the building slowly gave way to demise with every scandal and incident, albeit in prime location. Palaces is set in one such building. The plot is composed of ten storylines inspired by “the Five Great Taiwanese Legends of Mysterious Cases”.

© 臺中國家歌劇院

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